Have you heard of the interview jitters?  Many people feel nervous before going into an interview, but there are things you can do to help prepare. Here are some helpful tips:

Research the Company Before Your Interview

Investigating the company you’re interviewing with is an absolute must. Make sure you have used their product or checked their website and social media accounts so you can speak about the company intelligently and ask relevant questions. Educate yourself before you ever walk through the door!

Be punctual and arrive for your interview on time. If a candidate is late for or entirely misses their scheduled job interview, this is a huge cause for concern. If you have to reschedule an interview more than once (which does happen), try to avoid doing so at the last minute. Otherwise, you’ll signal to the employer that you are unreliable and not committed.


Speaking Negatively About Your Previous Company

Be mindful when you talk about your previous companies. Even if you’ve had a negative experience, it’s important to present the positives from it.

Complaining about a previous company, co-worker or manager makes you look petty, and it may cause the interviewer to question your judgment. Instead, focus on what you learned from challenging experiences and how you’ve grown because of them.

The first impression you make on a potential employer is incredibly important. When you meet a potential employer for the first time, they immediately form an opinion of you based on what you’re wearing and how you carry yourself. Regardless of the work environment, it’s important to dress professionally for a job interview because how you dress can either make or break the job interview. Different industries have different expectations of how candidates and employees should dress. The appropriate dress code can vary greatly depending on the company, industry, and location.